Below is the Parent Letter and Video Permission Slip that needs to be signed for each student:
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Parent Letter and Parent Permission Slip 2017.pdf Size : 520.975 Kb Type : pdf |
The Syllabus for my class is listed on the Syllabus page of my website.
Rules for Student Behavior:
The following rules and consequences were created by the students with help
from the teacher.
Please raise your hand to share your ideas and answers.
Listen to one another.
Be prepared.
Respect yourself and others. (people and belongings)
Help take care of the classroom environment.
Warnings will be given
Teacher conference with student
Lunch detention
Phone call home
Office Referral
Daily Procedures/School Culture:
Enter quietly
Sit down
Sharpen pencils before bell
Complete Agenda
Complete board work
Student Assessment:
Both traditional tests and alternative procedures are utilized in my classes.
Each nine weeks students have map tests, quizzes, unit tests, class
assignments, a project, and homework.
Grades will be determined each quarter in the following manner:
Tests will be given at the end of each unit and are counted twice.
Projects will be assigned each quarter and will be graded
Tests and major projects (Major Grades) will make up 50% of the total grade.
Quizzes will be given weekly to check for understanding of material
and will count as one grade.
Weekly homework/class work assignments will be checked for completion.
Quizzes, homework, classwork, amd other assignments (minor assignments) will make 50% of the total grade.
Homework will count no more than 20% of the 50%.
Tests can be:
Multiple choice
Short answer
Grading Scale:
A 90-100
B 80-89
C 70-79
D 60-69
F 50-59
Students are responsible for make-up work. Greenville County five-day
rule will be followed. See Students Handbook.
Students are required to have following materials daily in class:
Notebook (3 ring binder at least 1 inch with at least 3 dividers and pocket for loose paper)